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I've been reading about GPIO and what can be triggered. I see an event can be triggered. Events can be connected to peripherals to have some control without the CPU intervening. I can't find good documentation showing how to connect or effect periphe...
I've just spent hours trying to get a DMA to trigger and interrupt when transfer is complete. I was using HAL_DMA_Start() instead of HAL_DMA_Start_IT(). I found HAL_DMA_Start_IT() by looking through the source code.Where are the HAL libraries documen...
I'm using TIM1 to write a DMA buffer to the built-in LED. I'm trying to get the Transfer Complete callback to trigger. I've tried setting hdma->XferCpltCallback to a function. I suspect there is an interrupt enable flag I need to set and probably cle...
I'm working with a nucleo-L432kc board. I use a mac, VSC, Platformio and I use screen as a terminal. I used MXcube to setup a UART to use the VCP. MX cube generates the code. I have followed the instructions from several online sources to get it to w...
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