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Hi all,I am trying to implement ADC acquisition on one channel, with 14 bit, 4x oversample, at 1 Msmps (1 megasample per second). This is possible only using dual interleaved mode. Moreover, I want to acquire continuosly with circular DMA.But it is n...
Hi all,I am experimenting with H7 ADC (after having tried the G4 ADC).I see in the HAL that the calibration, HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(), for H7 MCU wants a parameter more than G4. One should specify ADC_CALIB_OFFSET or ADC_CALIB_OFFSET_LINEARITY.I...
Hello all,I bought two NUCLEO-H753ZI to experiment the ADC.Used the CUBEMX inside the STM32CubeIDE to configure the ADC to do 4x oversample (ADC1 Oversampling Ratio = "Oversampling ratio 4x").Then generated the code, but it does not compile: ... hadc...
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