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Hi, I noticed that, on MEMS Studio, whenever a block is repeated inside a subdesign it gives an error when building. As an example to represent this, I've created a subdesign "A" where I input the acceleration sensor of a X-NUCLEO IKS01A3 and i outpu...
My question is, using Algobuilder (or mems studio) and unicleo, can i use for example two accelerometers (on hardware nucleo 401RE, x-nucleo ISK01A3 and steval MKI233) and get data from them simultaneously to reduce the measurement error/noise?Whats ...
I'm working with a nucleo 401RE and a x-nucleo ISK 01A3 as hardware and algobuilder and unicleo-GUI as software. If I measure, for example, the rotation vector 9X throughout the day and save the output datalog using Unicleo-GUI, the timestamp shows t...
I think signal delay library does not work on MEMS Studio.I made an example code to show temperature values from a nucleo-L476RG and x-nucleo-IKS01A3 setup.The code should show the actual value and a delayed one:But it gives the following error:This ...
Hi everyone.I'm trying to use a NUCLEO-F401RE, a X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1, and a STEVAL-MKI197v1 and the following software: v3.2.0.4544 AlgoBuilder, v1.25.1.11665 Unicleo-GUI, v1.15.0 STM32CubeIDE, v6.11.0 STM32CubeMX and the X-CUBE-ALGOBUILD and x-CUBE-MEM...
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