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Issue with Custom firmware and displaying different sensors on Unicleo-GUI

Associate III

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to use a NUCLEO-F401RE, a X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1, and a STEVAL-MKI197v1 and the following software: v3.2.0.4544 AlgoBuilder, v1.25.1.11665 Unicleo-GUI, v1.15.0 STM32CubeIDE, v6.11.0 STM32CubeMX and the X-CUBE-ALGOBUILD and x-CUBE-MEMS1 software packages (everything running on windows 11).


First I didnt use AlgoBuider

I selected every sensor each board has on the x-cube-mems1 (package) and build it using CubeIDE (no error or warnings), but the Unicleo-GUI shows only the X-NUCLEO sensors, being unable to switch between (for example) the different Gyr/Acc sensors.


If i dont select the board extension IKS02A1 CubeIDE gives no trouble (0 error and warnings) but the Unicleo-GUI doesnt recognice my board and i get stuck here:


(note: If i select to list all coms it appears, but shows nothing and cannot start)


When I try to create a custom firmware for AlgoBuilder, if I select the Algo custom aplication option without the MEMS IKS board extension. I copy the project into the path /STMicroelectronics/AlgoBuilder/FirmwareTemplate but it doesnt show up on the AlgoBuilders Target display. and I cannot even choose the option of just the IKS02A1 alone as a template.

(Note: I downloaded an already made custom firmware for a different board as a test and it appears, so its the correct path)


Any help on both this problems would be so greatly appreciated,

thanks in advance


If you didn't implement those GetOrientation functions correctly as stated above you're getting data from other than expected orientation and that's why the result is NAN - NotANumber. The code example I wrote you above is valid for IKS01A3 but if your sensor in your HW setup is oriented differently than LSM6DSO in IKS01A3/L476, your orientation "strings" have to be different.

Thanks, since I had two parallel project directories I didn't realized I updated the code only in one of them, it is now working