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LSM303DLH has CLICK register to setup it but LSM303C has only commont THS and DUR registers set, can I use it to detect single tap event? As I understand I can setup AND config for all axis, but it doesnt work so good and I can get false detection fo...
I would like reduce power consumption from USB host when my device do not used by application on USB Host. I would like use STOP1 when device in suspend.As I know USB Host should stop send SOF(when device is no active) and after 3ms device should det...
Hi All, My environment: STM32L151CB, SPI2 Master, DMA1 Chan4(RX) and Chan5(TX)I moved from HAL to LL (to save memory) and faced with the following issue:When I configure SPI to receive data by DMA and setup only RX DMA channel SPI transaction doesn't...
Posted on May 23, 2017 at 11:18Hello everyone,    I have the following issue: when I try to flash firmware over SPI Bootloader and send data by command 0x31U (Write Memory)  then read data by 0x11U  (Read Memory) I got corrupted data, some words sti...
Posted on October 20, 2015 at 11:34 Hello, I updated ST library and got huge delay during I2C transfers when I have some errors. previously I manage timeouts in my firmware now some timeout hardcoded for example: #define I2C_TIMEO...
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