User Activity

Hello everyone,I hope you're all doing well!I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all the guidance and assistance I've received from this community. Thanks to your support, my learning journey with ST Microcontrollers, particular...
Hello All,I hope you're doing well. I'm Ali, a newcomer diving into the embedded world and soaking up knowledge from all of you experienced folks.I've got a new challenge on my plate: I need to establish communication between two platforms—SPC58EC80E...
Hello ST Microcontroller Forum Community,I hope this message finds you well. With the invaluable assistance of this community, I’ve been able to successfully write a simple GPIO code to blink the LED on my AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 board. I’m grateful for the ...
Hello all,I'm Ali, new to ST Microcontrollers, and I'm seeking some guidance to get started with SPC5 Studio. Previously, I developed custom SDKs where I had control over registers, their addresses, and more. However, transitioning to SPC5 Studio has...
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