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Hello everyone,i am trying to read the device unique id of my stm32h7b3 mcu, but get a bus fault on line 2:   uint8_t* uid_base = (uint8_t*) 0x08FFF800; uint8_t i = uid_base[0];  Do you know what could be the problem ?
Hello everyone,I'm experimenting PCROP activation on stm32h743 following this ST-tutorial: activation works fine but i cannot disable PCROP using CubeProgrammer.I did a RDP1 to RDP0 regression with ...
Hello everyone,I am working with the STM32H7B3 and after enabling the secure user memory, i am not able to connect with the debugger anymore:For testing if secure user memory works, i put a "secure_function" in a section at the end of my flash, then ...
Hello everyone,i am trying to enable the secure user memory on the stm32h743 using the x-cube-sbsfu project and have the following problem:After activating the security bit, the value of the OPTSR_PRG flash register is not changing, so the security b...
Hello folks,i am exploring the x-cube-sbsfu project and have 2 questions:Question 1:why is the SeCoreBin built separately and then later integrated to SBSFU? What is the motivation behind that?I was thinking about putting SeCoreBin and SBSFU in one p...
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