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Touch is not detecting with tsc2004 in STM32 cube IDE

Associate II

I am debugging a firmware for force measurement in STM32f429i in STM32 Cube IDE and TouchGFX. In that I am using ili9488 LCD driver with tsc2004 touch sensor. My issue is on the display screen I couldn't navigate to next pages i.e., touch is not detected. I am sure there is no hardware faults because while uploading other binary file, touch gets detected. Also, I used live expressions and breakpoints while debugging and found that the firmware gets into BusFault_Handler when trying to execute the DetectTouch() in the firmware. As tsc2004 TS works with I2C configuration, I have a function to send slave address. Once slave address 0x48 is sent, AF flag is sent in spite of ADDR flag to be set. 

Can you help me debug the bus fault?

Thanks in advance.