2024-04-09 6:06 AM
I am a beginner in STM32. I am doing a POC to read the coordinates of the touch sensor tsc2004 with ili9488 LCD driver. My custom board uses STM32F429i disc board. But I am using an external LCD driver rather than ili9341 (built-in). Based on the coordinates and touch detection my screen has to change. I use STM32 CubeIDE and TouchGFX for Graphics configuration. I try to implement the touch sensor pin as interrupt pin. So, whenever a touch is detected the display screen has to change. This is my specification. Can anyone guide me what are the functions needed to customize?
Thank you in advance.
2024-06-26 3:34 AM
Hello @Shanmugapriya ,
This is an example of a TouchGFX demonstration" Firmware\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Demonstrations\TouchGFX " for the STM32F429I-Discovery board, delivered by ST. It may assist you in identifying the most suitable configurations for your projects.
You can get the STM32F4 firmware package from this link: Package for STM32F4 series