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Posted on February 10, 2016 at 04:42 Hi.  I need transmit some data readed from FSMC (SRAM-like external interface) with speed about 3072000 Mbit/sec. So, I don't need handshacking, and choise UDP. Minimal data packet has size 192 bytes, usually MTU...
Posted on December 16, 2015 at 10:15 Hi, all. Somebody tested DHCP from example With fixed IP all ok, but when I try to run thise one with DHCP - nothing...
Posted on June 30, 2015 at 10:23 Hi. I'm trying to run TIM_OCToggle example from SPL 1.4.0.  It works in general, but I think it isn't correct: all frequencies are equals. I checked it by oscilloscope. Waveforms are the same and shifted each other. ...
Posted on November 26, 2014 at 16:21So,  * Timing Parameters for write and read access if the Extended Mode is not used  Wrong!Parameter used for read operation.Check FSMC_NORSRAMInit( *p) from stm32f4xx_fsmc.c it wi...
Posted on November 25, 2014 at 11:33 Hi. All! I want to use FSMC module, but I'm not sure that it settings correct. There is write operation on a picture. I see multiple NWE activation. And sometime it release NEx together NWE (should be NWE...