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I'm using an STM32H563. Setup to get ADC captures into a buffer using DMA in circular mode.I have TIM1 triggering an ADC1 conversion of two channels. And a buffer with 16 readings using DMA. The GPDMA is set in Standard Request Mode and Circular enab...
I'm using an STM32H563 and the STM32CubMX for initialisation. I'm trying to use the USART in DMA mode and having trouble with the Tx DMA.I use:HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA(&huart10, (uint8_t *) uart10RxDMABuffer, UART10_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);for the receiv...
I'm using SMBus on an STM32F303. The application has the STM32 as host, SMBUS charger and SMBUS battery, the charger and STM32 can act as master.I need to infrequently read from the battery and want to check for IDLE before initiating a transfer.I've...
I'm looking to use the STM32MP1 for a battery powered product.What is the recommended configuration to control external power supplies?Both in startup and shutdown.In the past I've used an external M0 as a power sequencer. Latching the power from a m...
Posted on October 30, 2014 at 10:35Not sure if this is a bug or just a missing feature, but I'll explain what I'm doing!I am using STM32CubeMX version 4.3.0 to configure clocks on an STM32F407IEHx.When setting values in the clock configuration, cloc...
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