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Hi all, I am trying to use the MotionVC library functions to return my vertical speed and calibrated speed, however I have encountered two unknowns: the internal timing or buffer processing of the MotionVC_Update() function and why the calibrated alt...
Hi all, I was wondering is there was a function pack or GitHub repo anyone has found which indicates how to implement CDC USB communication from the PRO to a PC in STM32CubeIDE? Thank you in advance. 
Hi all, I am implementing SFLP in ArduinoIDE using the board library and examples and have modified the code to also batch the accelerometer and gyroscope data in the FIFO buffer, however this creates a consistent delay in the data transmission which...
Hi all, I am implementing the following GitHub code to initiate sensor fusion in the LSM6DSV16X sensor chip. The board will communicate via UART however there seems to be an issue reading and writing to registers via the HAL driver functions provided...
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone had some insight into what the Unico-GUI is looking for to identify a board before it makes a connection. Is it simply looking for a specific formatting of serial output information or does it need to identify t...
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