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Hi Is there a plan to update the x-cube-freertos Kernel to 11.1.0? Github repo: STMicroelectronics/x-cube-freertos: X-CUBE-FREERTOS (FreeRTOS™ software expansion for STM32Cube) provides a full integration of the FreeRTOS™ kernel in the STM32Cube envi...
Hi, When I'm generating code with the latest STM32CubeMX 6.12.1 and STM32CubeIDE1.16.0  then sometimes my user folder with the include files were deleted. I don't know yet, why sometimes the folder is not deleted (maybe only small changed in the .ioc...
HiI have problems with the I2C frequency when I'm generating code with CubeMX 6.12.0 for the STM32U5A9. The timing register from the I2C3 is generated wrong, which leads to a frequency around 350kHz instead of selected 400kHz in FastMode operation.Th...
Hi,Why is there no RAM block inside the Block diagram?In the document AN5747 (Page EEPROM memory architecture) there is a RAM block mentioned, but in the block diagram from the M95P32 datasheet no RAM block is available/visible.Thanks in advancenobod...
Hi,Why is the page-write consuming less power then a page-program? When I understand it correctly then the page-write, is first erasing the page and then writes the values back. So then the page-write power consumption should be similar to erase and ...