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Hello, I am using the NUCLEO-WL55JC2 board with the X-NUCLEO-BNRG2A1 ble extension board. I run the SensorDemo_BLESensor demo code and I can detect my board in the BLE Sensor application In my phone. However, I want to connect a DHT11 temperature sen...
Hi, I am trying to measure the power consumption of my NUCLEO-WL55JC2.In the user manual here Is what I found :  Jumper JP1, labeled I_SoC, is used to measure the STM32WL microcontroller consumption by removing thejumper and by connecting an ammeter....
Hello everyone, So I'm following the tutorial here to try a BLE connection from the nucleo-WL55JC2 connected to the BLE expansion board X-NUCLEO-BNRG2A1. I followed the tutorial and run the pro...
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