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I tried the RTC_Alarm example folder, at first it worked out well and I was able to view the output.But when I ran for the 2nd time without any changes in the code the execution stopped at  HAL_RTC_Init ->> (if (HAL_RTC_Init (& RtcHandle)! = HAL_OK))...
I am using the STM32WL55JC I tried the Ping-Pong single core code from the latest STM32WL package and it works pretty fine, I want to code the Rx and Tx separately but I am not able to duplicate the example code So I decided to code the Ping-Pong exa...
I am able to transmit data from STM32WL to Arduino UNO board using USART Serial communication but on following the same procedure I am not able to transmit the data from STM32L152RE to Arduino board though baud rate matches and the code and circuit c...
 Though, I was able to run the point-to-point communication using the SubG_Phy ping-pong example using the STM32CubeIDE programmer with the STM32WL55JC1 board. However, if I just enable a GPIO port (making any minor changes in the configuration) to t...