2024-01-31 1:38 AM - edited 2024-02-05 10:52 PM
I would like to integrate ethernet2 in my bare-metal project. I am aware that not only eth2 pins have to be properly configured, but also a 10th pin of MCP IO expander. However, the eth2 seems to be disabled after all. I am doing the same configuration steps for eth1 and it simply works. The question is, what am I missing? Could it be PMIC?
J. Schneider
2024-02-05 9:12 AM
Hi @jschneider ,
Sorry to come late in the thread.
Any update since then ?
Could you precise what you mean by "the eth2 seems to be disabled afterall" ?
Which test are you doing ?
2024-02-05 11:32 PM
Hello @Olivier GALLIEN ,
I have been trying to make eth2 work, but it is still not enough. Nevertheless, I have made some progress.
Here are my configuration steps:
- Enable PMIC
- Enable BSP to control nRST signal of eth2
- Configure GPIOs
- Enable 50 MHz Clock in RMII mode
The problem is:
After enabling the clock, eth2 wakes up. In wireshark, I can see data being transferred and the interface's LED blink. The thing is, the visible data is an uncontrolled spam of bytes that does not stop.
I am also getting an error in this section of code:
The SWR bit is always 1, so the eth2 can't be reset.
Additionally, I have used an osciloscope to measure all signals from the eth2 interface and the phy. After that, I would compare the results with eth2 working under OpenSTLinux. On the hardware side, I couldn't find a significant difference. The clocks were both 50 MHz, but their "waveforms" would be slightly different.
I am eager to provide a more detailed explanation of every mentioned part.
J. Schneider
2024-02-06 7:13 AM
I have managed to make some progress.
My clock was configured to 50 MHz, but after reading the frequency with an oscilloscope it was exactly more than 51 MHz. After configuring PLL4 to work with HSE instead of HSI, there is no byte spam anymore.
At the end, it didn't solve my problem. I am still receiving an error:
I think there is something wrong with rcc and syscfg.
After using HAL_SYSCFG_ETHInterfaceSelect(SYSCFG_ETH2_RMII); I don't see Interrupts being activated (which are for eth1)
I am invoking
after GPIO configuration.
2024-02-06 11:41 PM
I found the solution:
With the bit being set, I could manage to get through the eth2 init function.
2024-02-23 2:51 AM
Dear @jschneider ,
I have also problem to create working project using ETH2. Are you able to publish sample project ?
Best Regards
2024-02-25 11:07 PM
Hello @ravo ,
I am sorry, but I can't do that.
In the posts above there is enough help to activate the Ethernet 2.
J. Schneider
2024-02-25 11:28 PM - edited 2024-02-25 11:34 PM
Dear @jschneider ,
I understand you, but can you help me ?
I just also add lines to init correct GPIOs, clock for ETH2 instance, Interrupt instance in function
When I debug project It freezes in app_netxduo.c on line tx_semaphore_create(&Semaphore, "DHCP Semaphore", 0); in MX_NetXDuo_Init
Can you explain what you mean with "My clock was configured to 50 MHz, but after reading the frequency with an oscilloscope it was exactly more than 51 MHz. After configuring PLL4 to work with HSE instead of HSI, there is no byte spam anymore. "
- Enable PMIC - did you do any changes here ?
- Enable BSP to control nRST signal of eth2
I just have:
/* Configure ETH2_NRST pin */ // corrected 2024-02-23
io_init_structure.Pin = MCP23x17_GPIO_PIN_10;
io_init_structure.Pull = IO_NOPULL;
io_init_structure.Mode = IO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP;
BSP_IO_Init(0, &io_init_structure);
BSP_IO_WritePin(0, MCP23x17_GPIO_PIN_10, IO_PIN_SET);
Or do you have any modification ?
- Configure GPIOs - I think I have this OK for all RXD,TXD, CRS_DV, TX_EN, ...
- Enable 50 MHz Clock in RMII mode - I don't know where if I compare with project using ETH1 ?
I have only put these lines to end of HAL_ETH_MspInit
/* Enable Ethernet clocks */
Maybe I have some problem with clock settings or another bug...
Best Regards and thanks in advance.
2024-02-26 11:53 PM
Hi @ravo,
I am always glad to help.
Here is the instruction to activate eth2:
1. Generate bare-metal project in CubeIDE for MP13
2. Activate eth2.
3. Select RMII mode for eth2.
4. Make sure GPIO settings is correct
5. Adjust the clock configurarion for eth2. It should use 50 MHz and probably configured with HSE.
6. Copy PMIC code from mp cube package to your project and init regulators
7. Activate the bsp pin (nRST eth2)
8. Make sure you have enabled all the clocks
9. Set the "magic" bit at the end of msp eth2 init : SYSCFG->PMCSETR |= 1<<25 if you want to know what it does, check the reference manual
10. After all of that I was able to properly initialise eth2, I didn't test it with NetXDuo
You said:
When I debug project It freezes in app_netxduo.c on line tx_semaphore_create(&Semaphore, "DHCP Semaphore", 0); in MX_NetXDuo_Init
Comment out the DHCP section of code and set your ip manually in IPInstance. Changing the IP will call a Callback function which unlocks the Semaphore.
J. Schneider
2024-02-27 1:59 AM - edited 2024-02-27 2:05 AM
Dear @jschneider
thanks for information. I just verified once more
1) I just used Nx_UDP_Echo_Client from Cube package STM32CubeMP13 STM32Cube_FW_MP13_V1.0.0\Projects\STM32MP135C-DK\Applications\NetXDuo
(I have some problems with generate new bare metal project in STCube from stratch, I just reported to ST)
2) in main.c in void MX_ETH_Init(void) I just changed heth.Instance = ETH2;
heth.Instance = ETH2;
MACAddr[0] = 0x00;
MACAddr[1] = 0x80;
MACAddr[2] = 0xE1;
MACAddr[3] = 0x00;
MACAddr[4] = 0x00;
MACAddr[5] = 0x00;
heth.Init.MACAddr = &MACAddr[0];
heth.Init.MediaInterface = HAL_ETH_RMII_MODE;
heth.Init.TxDesc = DMATxDscrTab;
heth.Init.RxDesc = DMARxDscrTab;
heth.Init.RxBuffLen = 1536;
3) Select RMII mode for eth2. OK
4. Make sure GPIO settings is correct
I just use CubeMX to generate GPIO settings and copied all settings to
void HAL_ETH_MspInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)
and to void HAL_ETH_MspDeInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)
5. Adjust the clock configuration for eth2. It should use 50 MHz and probably configured with HSE.
I don't know how to to this
6. PMIC code verified and it is switching 3V3 for ETH2
7. Activate the bsp pin (nRST eth2) also as part of HAL_ETH_MspInit function
/* Configure ETH2_NRST pin */ // corrected 2024-02-23
io_init_structure.Pin = MCP23x17_GPIO_PIN_10;
io_init_structure.Pull = IO_NOPULL;
io_init_structure.Mode = IO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP;
BSP_IO_Init(0, &io_init_structure);
BSP_IO_WritePin(0, MCP23x17_GPIO_PIN_10, IO_PIN_SET);
8. Enabled clocks verified in HAL_ETH_MspInit
9. magic bit already set as you suggest earlier SYSCFG->PMCSETR |= 1<<25
10. Now it will hang in HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_Init(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)
/* Wait for software reset */
while (READ_BIT(heth->Instance->DMAMR, ETH_DMAMR_SWR) > 0U)
if (((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ETH_SWRESET_TIMEOUT))
/* Set Error Code */
heth->ErrorCode = HAL_ETH_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
/* Set State as Error */
heth->gState = HAL_ETH_STATE_ERROR;
/* Return Error */
printf("6 ERROR."); // I just put info to UART terminal
return HAL_ERROR;
Added later:
Comment out the DHCP section of code and set your ip manually in IPInstance. Changing the IP will call a Callback function which unlocks the Semaphore.
I also tried to start with STATIC ADDRESS and disable all DHCP inititializationprior to write this comment, for ETH1 it is working correctly
ret = nx_ip_create(&IpInstance, "Main Ip instance", STATIC_ADDRESS, MASK_ADDRESS, &AppPool, nx_stm32_eth_driver,
but for ETH2 when I do this it will pass all initialization but after I tried to get IP number it will get
nx_ip_address_get(&IpInstance, &IpAddress, &NetMask);
/* print the IP address */
For ETH1 I get IpAddress as STATIC_ADDRESS.
So I am also in contact with ST support. And I will inform back what was wrong else...
Best Regards