Hello,I have the new Nucleo-H743ZI2 board (note the "2" at the end of the board identifier). I was trying to import some example project for the board using STM32CubeIDE example selector. However I am stuck. Completely. The only examples availabl...
Many thanks for all the answers. I somehow got stuck in the IDE. Even if I closed the message, I could not proceed with importing examples. Still, the other approach I wrote about earlier worked. I simply used File menu> Import...> General> Exist...
Ah, sorry! I think I found them in en.stm32cubeh7_v1-11-0.zip package. I will try importing directly into the IDE using regular project import. Many thanks!
Hi @TDK , many thanks for the answer. Yes, I saw this thread. And I would be happy to try, even with applying some modifications. However, I still do not know how to import the examples. IDE will not let me because Nucleo-H743ZI is obsolete. Can ...