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hello sir,i am trying to build the ADC display using MVP we have to declare same function in view and presenter , but error is showing for link following is : faced :...
@Semer CHERNI plz help with this problem.Board : STM32H745I - DISCOCubeide : v.1.13.2TouchGFX : v4.22.1 DesignerSTM32H745I - DISCO as it is dual core m4 and m71st i did build and debugging for m4 processor. It is successful.2nly done with building fo...
@Osman SOYKURT Board : STM32H745I - DISCOCubeide : v.1.13.2TouchGFX : v4.22.1 Designeri did generate code in touchgfx then imported the entire project in cube IDE.STM32H745I - DISCO as it is dual core m4 and m71st i did build and debugging for STM32H...
Board : STM32H745I - DISCOCubeide : v.1.13.2TouchGFX : v4.22.1 DesignerSTM32H745I - DISCO as it is dual core m4 and m71st i did build and debugging for m4 processor. It is successful.2nly done with building for m7 processor.It is successfulBut while ...
i am facing such error while flashing the code to board.What can be probable region ?@JTP1  ST-LINK error (DEV_CONNECT_ERR)c:/TouchGFXProjects/11092023/gcc/include/ recipe for target '_extflash_' failedmake[2]: *** [_extfl...
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