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Hello all, We will probably need to go for custom cover panels for our sensors, however, we could not find a clear list of requirements to follow.Material: The product's datasheet (DS13812 - Rev 6) states that "the VL53L4CD achieves the best ranging ...
Hello all, We have multiple VL6180 sensors on a common IIC bus.Upon system start up, we are enabling one sensor via its GPIO0 / CE pin, initialising it, changing its IIC address, disabling it, and repeating these steps for all sensors on the IIC bus....
Hello all,We are currently considering using the VL53L4CD and other ToF / FlightSense products (e.g. the VL6180X) for close-proximity applications.Could you confirm or otherwise that the system field of view of the VL53L4CD - and other sensors based ...
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