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Hi, I'm using a timer to create a software delay on a high prio task (HPTask with FreeRTOS).The MCU used is STM32H755ZI.My target is:use a timer and arm an interrupt which duration will be 250 usec;suspend the HPTaskon the timer END PERIOD interrupt ...
Hi, I'm working with STM32CubeMX and on MBEDSSL defined MBEDTLS_SSL_OUT_CONTENT_LEN at 2048.When I generate the code I get (/CM7/MBEDTLS/App/mbedtls_config.h):#define MBEDTLS_SSL_OUT_CONTENT_LEN 16384 Is there a problem?Am I making a mistake?My envir...
Hi, after a lot of wasted time, I've created a demo for dual core with debug files:Here is the project: To make the setup the guide: has been followed.I ...
Hi, I don't know it this is helpful or not. This is my contribution...Basic working LWIP server for the Nucleo H755 with LWIP: link to repository Ciao
Hi everybody,just some info regarding debug with dual core. 1. In Stm32CubeIde is it possible to debug a NUCLEO board equipped with STM32H755 with the two sessions contemporary alive? (The debugger mounted on NUCLEO board is STLINK-V3)2. Is it possib...
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