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This is a request for clarification of the TUR (Time Unit Ratio) calculation in the TTCAN implementation of the FD-CAN peripheral that is part of STM32MP1xxx systems. Specifically: the TUR is composed of a numerator and a denominator, designated FDCA...
The LPTIM_TypeDef struct that is used throughout many of the HAL header files contains a few RESERVED fields that cover unused address offsets in the peripheral's memory map.The first of these, RESERVED1, is declared as uint16_t. I believe that this ...
With reference to RM0436, the STM32MP157 Reference Manual, revision 6.On pages 1066 and 1072 the schematic structures of a GPIO port are drawn (figures 119, 120, and 122). These all show an inverter circle on the gate of P-MOS output transistor and n...
The otherwise excellent STM32CubeMX tool has a bug in its Configuration Report output (reached via the File > Generate Report command). In the Peripherals and Middlewares Configuration section of the report, the left and right columns of the output a...
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