User Activity

HI"I am using an STM32G071CBT6 controller, and I am receiving data using the receive interrupt. I have received some values in my buffer memory, and now I want to convert them to float. If you have any examples, please share them. My buffer memory is...
Hello! I'm using the STM32G071CBT6 controller for my project. I need to store certain values in EEPROM for my project, but unfortunately, this controller doesn't have built-in EEPROM functionality. Despite this limitation, I'm determined to find a so...
Hi,I am using the STM32G071CBT6 for my project. During the initial test setup, I've evaluated the required peripherals such as ADC, DAC, and UART. The ADC and DAC are functioning well, but I'm encountering a problem with the UART. While I can success...
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