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Static library creation and impelementation to another empty project

Associate II

I am currently working on user programmable project.

In my project, I want to make static library from all of my Middlewares, Drivers, Azure-RTOS, Include files, Source files, linker and startup. Therefore, I created new static library project in STM32CubeIDE and added all my files in it.

After this process, I did not do any extra changes for static library creation and hoped all linker and startup configurations are added to static library. I created static test project and added all my include files, static library and user code section. I changed linker path to the static library and i got some makefile errors right now. Working on it.

My questions are:

  1. Can I add my startup and linker files to static library like this? As you know that they are must for hardware and for compile process.

  2. How should I deal with makefile errors? I am a new developer for this area.

Thanks for your help!
Best Regards

  • I learned how static library is created.
  • Created static library from my project with linker and startup.
  • Tested static library in empty project.
  • Got some problems with makefile.
Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Can I add my startup and linker files to static library like this?

A static library is collection of object modules that are basically compiled C or C++ modules. It cannot contain linker files.

How should I deal with makefile errors? I am a new developer for this area.

New developers are welcome to get practical help and advice, and learn!