Hi,I'm working with the ST25DV16KC-IE6T3 tag (ISO15693 type 5) and I want to both read and write data to it.I'm looking for a compatible NFC card reader that can connect to the computer via USB port (either desktop PC or laptop.)The use case would be...
In our project, we are using ST micro NFC chip (ST25DV). So, the query is which card Reader be supported to read/write data for ST micro NFC chip (ST25DV)? Secondly, which PC-based applications can be used to see the data after reading or writing
In our project, we are using ST micro NFC chip (ST25DV). So, the query is which card Reader be supported to read/write data for ST micro NFC chip (ST25DV)? Secondly, which PC-based applications can be used to see the data after reading or writing pur...