2020-10-15 5:37 AM
Every time when it reaches the line:
if (IS_TIM_SLAVE_INSTANCE(htim->Instance))
it is going to nowhere see image 1 and on image 2 you have more info about the registers.
One maybe non standard of our HW is that we are powered by 1.8V
This occurs every time.
I have:
STM32 CUBE IDE Version: 1.4.1 Build: 7610_20200730_1509 (UTC)
STM32CubeL5 Firmware Package V1.3.0 / 26-June-2020
also tried with
STM32CubeL5 Firmware Package V1.2.0 / 12-February-2020
I made also the following tests:
A) Project without debug, just toggle a pin to see if the system is alive..... Result: looks like same issue
B) Project without changing the system time clock source, this works
C) Project without changing the system time clock source and enabling freertos, same issue but at void vStartFirstTask( void )
2020-10-15 5:46 AM
Do you have BOR_LEV set to 0 in the option bytes? Are your clock settings and flash wait states set appropriately given your voltage level?
2020-10-15 12:34 PM
Thanks for the reply,
yes the BOR_LEV is set to 0 (On SYS parameters of CUBE MX I set 1.7V and I verified with the debugger that BOR_LEV is 0).
Regarding the wait states I tried multiple combinations, I did not find the link between those and the voltage.
Regarding the clock settings I left the default with MSI.
I forgot to mention before that I tried to stay with SysTick and enabled USART3 with 115200 baudrate, this is running without a problem, I see the output on the uart.
Any other nice idea?
2020-12-07 8:42 AM
In my board have a problem same as you. It cause by Boot0=1 and Boot1=0, it was ok when I change Boot0=0 Boot1=0.