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Hello,i work on Archlinux, and i recently installed STM32CubeIDE. I previously had some issues with arm-none-eabi-gdb, which couldn't check the version because of the missing library libncurses5 (which was on version 6 on my computer). So i downloade...
Hi !I succeed to build my makefile project on stm32cubeIDE, but i can't flash mu board (STM32F446RE) with my STlink. When i choose to debug as STM32 application it sends me this message. How can i flash otherwise?Thanks for your help !
Hello ! I have an STM32F446RE with an STlink, i code on STM32CubeIDE. I created my program on linux and i flashed my card with makeload (makefile project). i have no longer access to this environmet so i tried to flash my card with STM32CubeIDE, and ...