2020-02-15 3:31 AM
Hi !
I succeed to build my makefile project on stm32cubeIDE, but i can't flash mu board (STM32F446RE) with my STlink. When i choose to debug as STM32 application it sends me this message. How can i flash otherwise?
Thanks for your help !
2020-02-17 11:15 AM
Most probably you don't have created a STM32CubeIDE project (Have you STM32CubeIDE icon as project decoration within project explorer ?) Do to such please rely on File > New > STM32 Project. Doing such is adding some required metadata to your project enabling lot of features then.
If not you may rely on CubeProgrammer standalone tool to flash your device starting from compilation binary result.
2020-02-25 1:14 AM
Hello !
Thanks for the answer, i tried to create a new project following your instructions and i've been force to create it with cubeMX. overall, i can flash my board with the code created by cubemx and the parts i added afterwards.But it did not debug the other projects from the error i mentionned. Still i can now flash my board, Thanks for your answer !