Hello,The latest STM32CubeProgrammer (V 2.15.0) appears to be unable to program an STM32L471 microcontroller.It communicates successfully but fails with error: Error: Operation exceeds memory limits Error: failed to erase memoryThe hex file mem...
Delays of 100 seconds in an interrupt handler are usually not healthy...The delay function will not work in the EXTI handler if the priority of that interrupt is higher than the priority of SysTick.
NRST is not a GPIO pin.int main (void)
[perhaps hardware initialization code]
[perhaps HAL_Init();]
printf("I've been reset!!!!");
[other initialization code]
while (1)
[do stuff]
I noticed that the schematic labels the reset button with "B4" as well as "RESET".That may have caused some confusion. Again the button interacts with the NRST pin as described above.
Following a reset (which has nothing to do with pin PB4 [NJTRST is not NRST]), the Reset Handler code executes, typically followed by SystemInit(), and then main(). Usually, if code at the start of main() is executed, a reset or power on has occurred...