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I have been using this solution to jump to the ROM bootloader and that is working fine. However, it only works if the chip is coming out of reset and none of the peripherals are initialized, FreeRTOS scheduler not running, etc. Basically the chip nee...
I am configuring SPI1 on the STM32H743. At first, I used the default configuration where the peripheral is clocked off of PLL1Q as shown below: However, with this configuration, the HAL peripheral driver would time out waiting for EOT flag to be set....
To enter the system bootloader, we call the following function:void BootloadCommandHandler(void){  // Set BOOT0 to boot to ROM bootloader  HAL_SYSCFG_CM7BootAddConfig(SYSCFG_BOOT_ADDR0, 0x1FF00000);  // Reset CPU  NVIC_SystemReset();}This works just ...
Hello All,Using STM32H743, I designed a board to use USART1 as the debug interface so that I could also bootload to this port. I am using an FTDI chip to create a virtual COM port. The problem is that I swapped the TX/RX pins in the design and had to...
Following in the directions of this post, I am able to reserve and write to (and read back) from a section of FLASH dedicated to calibration data. However, when I reprogram the device, the IDE wipes the whole memory clean before programming and we lo...
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