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Hello, I am on the RX FOD Tunning (BPP) phase, and I have a question.   In the document, it is written - Reading Ptx and Prx is done automatically when using STEVAL- WBC86TX . But I am using just custom board, so I recorded the power from the  "Chart...
Hello everyone !I am using STWBC86 and STWLC38 MCUs, using our own custom board.The wireless charging was going well, but the problem is this.[ When charging → put away the RX → put back the RX ] ...▶ the heat comes out from the RX MCU.Any ideas to s...
Hi there, should anyone recommend an I2C module for communicating with STWLC-GUI ??I have one already, but I need one more.Thanks.
Wating for your response..Sincerely yours, Jake Kang.Edited) It is because the datasheet said that VINV is for INVERTER INPUT. If anyone have an idea, please keep me in the loop.
Hi, where can I get these two EVK? Since I searched these EVK model for 3 hours, and I can't find any.I searched all the sites including..(Mouser, Element14(Farnell) Digikey Avnet Arrow Newark OneChipStore, etc.)Can you help?
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