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Wireless Power Requirements:-Require 5W on Receive side-Active Part Number and industrial temp rated-Air Gap: 20 to 30mm but ideally up to 40mm-Coil Size: 50mm or smaller is ideal, room to adjust size as needed-Don’t need to be compliant with any oth...
We are looking to add a pre qualified bluetooth module to a consumer product and the device live outdoors and periodically connect to a phone. We have identified the BlueNRG-1 as a candidate but perhaps there is a better choice. How well is the BlueN...
Looking for Part numbers for modules on the B-U585I-IOT02A dev kit, specifically the Bluetooth and WiFi modules, but also looking for part numbers on the modules listed below. Didn't see P/N's listed in the datasheet but maybe I was looking in the wr...
1) We are looking to perform 140 FFTs each having 2048 samples every second. How can I gauge the performance of STM chips for this purpose or are there benchmarks or data published about this?2) Are their suggested libraries for running FFT’s on STM3...
When using the STM32Cube.AI online tool to benchmark chips for running a neural net the max file size is limited to 32MiB. I have a models that is 93MiB, is there a way to run a model this size? What is the reason for the size limit? Is it related to...
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