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Choosing a Bluetooth Module and Dev Tools

Associate II

We are looking to add a pre qualified bluetooth module to a consumer product and the device live outdoors and periodically connect to a phone. We have identified the BlueNRG-1 as a candidate but perhaps there is a better choice. How well is the BlueNRG-1 supported and is it easy to get up and connected to a phone with sample code? Our requirements are:

-Pre certified (ideally CE marked)

-Price is a big factor, ideally $1-2 at high quantity (5000)

-Will be used to transmit data and over the air updates

-Low power sleep but good range required

-Industrial temp spec or better (-40 to 85C)

-Compatibility with microcontrollers from other vendors

-Newest protocols are better assuming they are backwards compatible 


Other Questions:

-Are there emmulators for bluetooth such as the BlueNRG-1 to speed up software developement?

-Is there a ballpark range we can expect with the BlueNRG-1 (line of sight)?

-If we decided we needed WiFi and Bluetooth, are there cheap modules that can do both?