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Hi,I've tried to program OTP area of STM32U575 at address 0x0BFA0010 with a quad-word (4x32bit of data) but only half are programmed (the first half) while the 2 remaining words are at 0xFFFFFFFF (erased state) and cannot be programmed anymore.I've l...
Hi,I have the same problem with two different projects, one using STM32U575 and the other using STM32L432KC (on Nucleo board).If I change NVIC config (I've tried changing preemption priority) and click generate code, some ISRs are no more generated. ...
Hi,after upgrading the whole suite to last release (as 09-jul-2024), code generation breaks code in function MX_FLASH_Init (main.c file).If without condition is generated at line 19, no indentation on following block (which closes at line 53)./** *...
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