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Hom many EEPROM data memory is available on stm32L010RB and how is paged ?

Associate II

On stm32L010RB datasheet and on STM32L0x0 reference manual (RM0451) I found 512 bytes (category 5 devices) place at 0x0808 0000.

Using STlink utility program, erase sector shows 2 banks of 0xc00 bytes starting at the same address, for a total of 0x1800; IAR debugger shows me the same amount of memory.

thanks in advance

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

The datasheet ist the reference. The reference manual RM0451 explains more.

Associate II

I tried to erase and program all 6k and it seems they are all correct.

Connecting mcu with st-link utility, device family is "17:34:08 : Device family :STM32L07x/STM32L08x" while the case reports stm32L010RB .

I had also other doubt/problems on this mcu, like an existing VTOR; what can I think will be reliable ?

The CM0+ provides for the SCB->VTOR register, and the usually memory mapping methods (mapping of RAM, FLASH or ROM at zero address space) should work.

Review ARM's TRM (Technical Reference Manual) for the cores to fully understand their function, ST attempts to re-document these in their "Programming Manuals"


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