2023-02-02 1:38 PM
Setup: I am designing on the Nucleo-G0B1RE
Goal: DFU via USB FW updates
Although the Nucleo Expansion provides a USB ST-Link interface I do not want to utilize this interface as I want to go directly to the MCU to emulate our board.
For code uploads and debugging I am currently wired directly to the MCU via a SWD link (GND, NRTS, SWDIO, SWCLK) via a ST-Link V2.
The SWD link to the MCU will be the method that our board is programmed initial in the factory, DFU via USB is how we will provide FW updates for the board is in the field.
CUbeMX I have configured the device to USB_DRD_FS Mode = Device_Only (FS) as well as set the USB_Device Mode Class for FS IP = Download Firmware Update Class
I have configured PA12 as USB_DP and PA11 as USB_DM, CN10 Pin 12 and CN10 Pin 14 respectively on the Nucleo.
I will be connecting a USB Micro-B breakout board to PA12 USB_DP to D+ on breakout and USB_DM to D- again on breakout as well as PWR and GND.
So I have a few questions....
2023-02-02 4:41 PM
I don't have these devices..
3) You'll probably need to remap the ROM at the zero memory address, check DBGMCU or SYSCFG settings to do the remap. Then try doing a transfer of control to the ROM entry point via the vector table.entry. See if it works