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I set up several pins as EXTI in the CubeMX configurator, but STM32CubeIDE doesn't recognize the EXTI_InitTypeDef and NVIC_InitTypeDef datatypes. Based on the configuration I would expect the correct libraries to be included, but when compiling I get...
Previously I've designed a motordriver based on an STM32F303 and an ST L6206 Dual Full Bridge driver. I've had some issues with the interfacing between the MCU and the bridge driver, because the MCU works on 3V3 and the bridge driver works on 5V. So ...
I designed a board based on an STM32F303CC and I am unable to upload any code to it. I'm using STM32CubeIDE with an ST-Link/V2 programmer. I've connected Pin 7 to DIO and Pin 9 to CLK. The board uses USB for it's 5V power supply which is transformed ...
I'm designing a board with an STM32F MCU and a PowerSO36 L6206 and I would like to use overcurrent as a feature: the motors connected to the board will be used to move across an axis and the occurance of overcurrent means the motor has reached the be...
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