2019-11-19 1:44 AM
2019-11-19 7:27 AM
Do you get these errors from all views? Or does it start to show up and then it will be that error for whatever view you open?
What version of STM32CubeIDE are you using and if you had a previous version did it happen there as well?
Also, if you could share your workspace log located at:
That would be helpful.
2019-11-19 8:01 AM
I use STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0. I clicked a few tabs to open the views with the red squares, then for each of them I clicked details to show the full error. I used Atollic Studio until about a week back I learned about STM32CubeIDE, my current projects are all generated using the latter, but there are still projects in the workspace folder from the former.
In the log, the errors (starting from !ENTRY) repeat themselves.
2019-11-26 3:05 AM
I found a workaround: I uninstalled STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0 and installed 1.0.2 instead.
2021-08-02 7:22 AM
2021-08-07 2:12 AM
@Markus GIRDLAND Would you kindly get back to me on this, please. Thanks