User Activity

I am evaluating Keil MDK5 for programming my BlueNRG-2 device. I have found that I cannot create a project from scratch with any RTOS support because the CMSIS driver seems to be lacking the Device.Startup section. Looking in the SDK examples for the...
Hey, folks.How are you people learning how to use the capabilities of your MCUs? In particular, I am trying to program a Bluenrg-2 board for a temperature control application. I would like to get better information on using the Multi-Function Timer...
The BlueNRG-1/2 SDK provides sample projects in TrueStudio form. When I attempt to import any of them into STM32 CubeIDE, I am presented with a dialog asking for the proper MCU for the evaluation board. If there is a way to determine the correct an...
Howdy, folks. I'm new to the ST universe but have plenty of embedded experience. I have a BlueNRG-2 evaluation board and an ST-Link interface that I have been working with. Here is the problem - I can open a sample BLE peripheral example in Atolli...
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