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Hello everyone,I have not conventional question. My purpose is to create code where 2 pins are used as two different interfaces (I2C1 and USART3). I know that pin Stacking option is just theoretical as no code is generated for this interface. I found...
Hi everyone! I'm trying to create simple communication beetween devices via USB where Host is STM32 G0B1CEU6 and device is F411E-DISCO.ON G0 I'm using USB_DRD_FS in HOST_ONLY_FS and HAL_Librery in Comunication Host Class for USB HOST. After i impleme...
Hi everyone!I have a not conventional question to this device. INT pin is used in library to send interrupt to MCU. In my case i use just necessary part of library so the INT pin is not used at all.So now the question. Is it possible to use it now th...
Hello,Standard library for ToF sensors, as far as i know, works in blocking mode and it needs few seconds to initialize sensor and later on to gather all of 64 results. In my project I need to handle other process during this time and using DMA seams...
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