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Hello everyone, I have a complex problem which I would like help from the memory experts and instruction optimization, if possible. I am trying to receive data using CDC_Receive_FS() call back, and, concurrently, process the data using an ISR which i...
Hello everyone,I am working on a signal analyser device, which needs to transmit data serially as fast as possible (idealy 1Mbaud/s).I am doing the following loop to transmit:  uint8_t buf_high[1] = {124}; // '|' uint8_t buf_low[1] = {48}; // '0' ini...
Hello,I am trying to implement the DFU protocol in an Android app. I am following AN3156.I am using UsbDeviceConnection class for the control transfer in android. I am able to write to the memory to any address using the routines described in AN3156 ...
Hello,I am trying to transmit some data on my STM32F042F6P6. But my PC's serial monitor only picks up some of it. Here is the code and the serial monitor output:void readAllRegs(void){ uint8_t value; for (uint8_t addr = 0x00; addr <= 0x2E; addr++...
Hello everyone,I am trying to use both USB CDC and SPI on a STM32F042F6P6 MCU. Unfortunately, without even writing almost any code (just an HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() and a CDC_Transmit_FS()) it says the flash memory overflows by 1484 bytes.Is this no...