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I've been trying to use the ADC of an STM32F7 so that when the level exceeds a certain threshold it start to sample the input continuously. Here is the configuration. Then I have implemented the code as followsvolatile ITStatus adc1OutOfWindow = RESE...
Hi,I am trying to add files from an external library to be build and executed with the TouchGFXDesigner simulator.Using TouchGFX 4.20 in Windows 10:In the Makefile under "TouchGFX/simulator/gcc/Makefile" I am adding the following:ADDITIONAL_SOURCES :...
Hi,I am currently writing an application for a STM23F769i-DISCO that uses the USB peripheral as a device starting from a project generated with touchGFXDesigner.All seems to work when I am not enabling the DMA for the USB, but when I enable the DMA I...
The values for the range of a slider are declared as signed integers in "Slider.hpp"int currentValue;   int valueRangeMin; int valueRangeMax;   int16_t indicatorMinPosition; int16_t indicatorMaxPosition;But the getters for this values return an unsig...
I've made some modifications to a standard widget by extending the widget class, for example to the Slider widget.I create a class MySlider that extends the Slider and override some of the methods. To use this new created class I then modify the View...