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To assign pull mode of output pin the function LL_GPIO_SetPinPull writes 0 or 1 to the output buffer (inside the body of LL_GPIO_Init ). Hence if pull-up or pull-down is not necessary (pull parameter equals zero) the output of the pin changes to 0....
"HAL_RTCEx_SetSecond_IT" doesn't work on Stm32vldiscovery.Instead of that "RTC->CRH=RTC_CRH_SECIE" works well!The code (see 102 and 103 lines) is in the attachment.
Is it in plan to make a support of st-link v1 in future?Thanks!
I'm trying to debug my stm32vldiscovery. The error "ST-LINK V1 not supported" appears. Does it mean that stm32CubeIDE doesn't support it? I haven't seen that in release limitations.
I've tried to uninstal it from Windows7 standard "programs and components". It's said that the "Program has already been uninstalled, remove from the list". But nothing actually has changed. Now I can't reinstall the IDE cause the installer argues th...