User Activity

Hi there,Seeking lowest possible energy, what is the difference between the two operation ?Do the configuration remain on the peripheral if I cut the clock ? (then restore it before transacting with the periph)Side question: What to avoid in order to...
Hi there,Is it possible to get the sources of ?I would like to build a FreeBSD native binary.This is the only missing element in the bridge code sample.Thanks.
Hello,I just integrated a Teseo Module on a custom design and was rewarded by a fix position at first power-on (luck of the beginner I guess) within 10 minutes.I2C reading works well on startup and I can feed the steam to the teseo-suite where it is ...
Hello,While booting BlueNRG2, I was in need to externally pullup the UART TX output pin for proper operation.The (post) boot initialization examples does not pullup the pin: /* Configure GPIO_Pin_8 and GPIO_Pin_11 as UART_TXD and UART_RXD*/GPIO_InitS...
Hello,BlueNRG2 and S2LP can use 16Mhz and 25Mhz crystals instead of 32 and 50Mhz ones.What are the drawbacks or risks in using lower frequency crystals ?Can I expect reduction in power usage ?Thanks for your hints.Remy.