2021-12-12 8:04 PM
Earlier I used the STM32CUBEIDE 1.7.0 version it works fine then I update it to 1.8.0 then I faced an issue while debugging it showing an Error in the final launch sequence:
Failed to start GDB server
Failed to start GDB server
then I uninstall the 1.8.0 version and reinstall the 1.7.0 version but still, I faced the same error.
So, how can I fix this issue?
Thanks in advance.
2022-07-27 4:33 AM
Has anyone found a solution? I have exactly the same problem.
I had this problem when I installed STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1. Now the GDB server does not work even on the older version that I used until now, 1.6.1
2022-08-02 6:47 AM
i have the same problem with the same versions, can you let me now if you already found a solution.
2022-08-02 7:09 AM
I solved it by updating to 1.9.0 and reload my workspace
2023-04-06 6:17 AM
Hi, I've found a solution.
We had the same problem on our project after playing with several targets. Fortunately GIT based project allowed us to find exact commit comprising a root cause. On one computer debugging worked well unlike on mine. Problem was in *.launch configuration file.
Long story short: Find *.launch file of corresponding debug configuration and delete it. When you start debugging again, default configuration will be created.