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Using the STM32 CLI on Windows:STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe c port=swd reset=HWrst -e all -d my_filename.hex -v -s -g This just prints: If I remove the -d option, it performs the erase, so I know it can talk to the chip.  I have tried the verbosity optio...
I'm using Vbat as a battery voltage monitor on an STM32L431.  Vref is the VDDA pin on this part, which is 3.3V.  In my test case, Vbat is also connected to the same 3.3V.Vbat reads a raw count of around 1044.  The internal divider is /3, so this come...
STM32CubeIDE 1.14.1I have imported a CubeMX generated makefile project.  When I enter the debug configuration dialog, I get an error "Unsupported build configuration. MCU ARM GCC required for debug." I have not found any documentation from ST indicat...
I'm using an ST-Nucleo H743ZI on a Macbook running 10.14.3. The virtual com port basically doesn't work. I can send a few hundred bytes to the MCU at most, and then it stops transmitting.I'm looking it at with a scope, so my actual MCU firmware is ...
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