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In the evalAPIcommands.c file have the function "reflectedPowerTooHigh()" in the line 907. The goal of that function is to calculate the value of the reflected power and the deviation variable received this value, but don't have a comment in code say...
I try to Kill a TAG, I'm using different configurations but don't obtain a different answer.I believe if a Kill a Tag, It's not more possible for my reader to identify her, but after I using the kill command my Tags still read by my reader.I want to ...
I use the standard function " STUHFL_T_RET_CODE Gen2_Lock(STUHFL_T_Gen2_Lock *lockData) " to Lock a Tag, But now I wanted to unlock the same Tag and following the standards information in Gen2 protocol Like the pictures below, I try using the same fu...
Hi,I'm using ST25R3911B-DISCO for reading tags, but I'm interested in optimizing my code.When a search how optimizing codes in C, I see people using #pragma but I don't have the answer in my code after in the proprieties in STMcubeIDE I will go to op...
Hi, When I leave my code to play for more than one hour I received the error HardFault_Handler(), I found in registers whats the last line executed before entering in the error function, below I put a picture of this part of the code.  Note: That err...
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