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Im using F030F4P6 controller. Here's TIM16 configuration:Here's clock configuration:main.c: /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) {   toggleAll(); delayUs(1000);   /* USER CODE END WHILE */...delayUs function:void delayUs(uint32_t delay) {   us...
I just made a clock with 7-seg display and Stm32f030f4p6. Firstly i used 3.2768 HSE(high package) and 2x22pF caps. ​That's annoying, but uC randomly stucks displaying one digit(display is multiplexed, So whole uC is stopping). I was trying 1.5pF but ...
Have some problem with my code. CLock works too fast(about 20%). no difference between built-in oscillator, or crystal. And counts wrong(1, 2, 3...9, 16, then again 9 normal, and jump 6 up).Heres my code:#include "main.h"#include "an_disp.h"#include ...