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LIS3DH inertial interrupt cannot work properly after reading the acceleration value

Associate III
Our project utilized ST's IMU sensor LIS3DH, and according to business requirements, we used click interrupt and initial interrupt respectively
  • The sampling frequency is 10Hz
  • We set the duration of the Initial interrupt to 120 to generate an interrupt every 12 seconds
  • We have also enabled internal high pass filter mode
Through the above configuration, both interrupts can be responded to separately.
But when the click interrupt occurs, we want to read the acceleration of the XYZ axis of the IMU sensor.
Once I do this, the Inertial interrupt will no longer occur, giving me the feeling that the internal counter is reset every time when the acceleration value is read. Can this problem be avoided?
The configuration of the sensor is as follows:



(address : 0x00- 0x0F) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 |........ .......3
(address : 0x10- 0x1F) 0f 86 6f 21 a0 22 20 27  1b a8 70 73 c0 00 90 00 |..o!." '
(address : 0x20- 0x2F) 27 05 40 00 0a 82 00 ff  00 0a 00 fe 00 3e 00 20 |'.@..... .....>. 
(address : 0x30- 0x3F) 2a 25 01 78 00 00 00 00  15 00 d6 60 00 00 00 00 |*%.x.... ...`....



Thank you and best regards,
