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Hi,I have a container with buttons, images and text (around 30).I would like to change the alpha from 255 to 128 of each widget inside the container.On the documentation, it says it it possible with container with FadeAnimator in Mixins :https://supp...
Hi,I found a bug on new version 2.18 STM32Cube programmer.Of course, I have the same problem with the new version of STM32CubeIde 1.17It looks file STM32_Prog_DB_0x483.xml in \Data_Base folder has changed between versions 2.17 and 2.18If I use the fi...
Hi,Can someone clarify why some examples of boot to QSPI change the SCB->VTOR register in JumpApp function :SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t)Application_vector;JumpToApp = (pFunction) (*(__IO uint32_t *)(Application_vector + 4u));__set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) App...
Hi,On a custom board using STM32H730ZB, I try to use QUAD SPI flash memory.Here is the CubeMX config :In MX_OCTOSPI1_Init function, I break on HAL_SPI_INIT functionThis function come from pack STM32H7 version 1.11.2In line #415 of stm32h7xx_hal_ospi....
I have a custom board with a STM32H730ZBI use a LCD 1024x600 controlled by LTDC.Here is the pinout :here is the config :When executing code :I break just after the HAL_LTDC_INIT function.I should have a white screen (R=255, G=255, B=255)But I have a ...
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