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Hi,I found a bug on new version 2.18 STM32Cube programmer.Of course, I have the same problem with the new version of STM32CubeIde 1.17It looks file STM32_Prog_DB_0x483.xml in \Data_Base folder has changed between versions 2.17 and 2.18If I use the fi...
Hi,Can someone clarify why some examples of boot to QSPI change the SCB->VTOR register in JumpApp function :SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t)Application_vector;JumpToApp = (pFunction) (*(__IO uint32_t *)(Application_vector + 4u));__set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) App...
Hi,On a custom board using STM32H730ZB, I try to use QUAD SPI flash memory.Here is the CubeMX config :In MX_OCTOSPI1_Init function, I break on HAL_SPI_INIT functionThis function come from pack STM32H7 version 1.11.2In line #415 of stm32h7xx_hal_ospi....
I have a custom board with a STM32H730ZBI use a LCD 1024x600 controlled by LTDC.Here is the pinout :here is the config :When executing code :I break just after the HAL_LTDC_INIT function.I should have a white screen (R=255, G=255, B=255)But I have a ...
Hi, I create a new project with STM32CubeIde 1.15.1 (but same with 1.10.1)I add SDRAM 1 - BANK 1When I debug this project, after HAL_SDRAM_Init function in MX_FMC_Init(), I can wath the memory in MEMORY BROWSER at address 0x60000000.But on reference ...
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