Hello,I'm unable to install X-CUBE-NFC3 and X-CUBE-IAP-USART extension packs to my CubeMX 5.2 installation. I'm using a downloaded zip and I get this error:What should I do to resolve this? Thanks!
I am unable to debug a simple blinky program created using the CubeMX software. The board I am using is a Nucleo F103RB board. The IDE seems to be able to flash the MCU but then I get a ST-LINK SN : 0670FF363732594D43214619
Hi Christian, I just checked to make sure but the startup file & folder aren't excluded from the build in my case. I have tried importing TrueStudio projects created using the stand-alone version of CubeMX as well as new projects created using the in...
Reading Kyle's response above, I updated to CubeIDE 1.0.1 on Windows 10 and it still doesn't work. This update was made from within the CubeIDE I'll try a clean install sometime. Here's the dump from the console: STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server...
I'm facing a similar issue with the CubeIDE. I'm using a Nucleo F103RB board which gets flashed by the IDE but then GDB quits, so I'm unble to debug. I have tried reinstalling the CubeIDE but the problem stays as is. Really not the experience one exp...
You could connect the HC05 to one of the USART peripherals and read/write to it directly. On the mobile side you could use a bluetooth terminal app to connect to and send/receive keystrokes. Depending on the application that you're working on this wo...